September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve had a lot of trauma in recent years and reading has always been my default hobby and source of relaxation and distraction but my ex husband was in a horrible accident a couple of years ago and now it’s incredibly traumatic to read any sort of crime or horror type novels. To add to that my long term boyfriend, I thought my new forever, in a 6+ year relationship that was the best it’s ever been, he left me for a much younger woman and is happily building a new relationship and life with her now. It’s been 2 months of hell and any sort of romance or even hint at a relationship just begins the swirling thoughts of what they may be doing together at this very moment. Obviously I need a lot of therapy, lol, but for now I’m just looking for something to occupy my thoughts instead of ruminating on things I have no business thinking about. I recently read Piranesi by Susanna Clarke and it was perfect. Is there anything else along those lines that I could try?

    by plumtoothpaste


    1. TheHappyExplosionist on

      That’s so rough ;; Have you checked out middle-grade focused works? They might be more fun for you right now, and help take your mind off things. What kind of works do you enjoy – fantasy, sci-fi, more realistic things? Any particular subjects that bring you joy to read about?

    2. ClimateTraditional40 on

      of course! James Herriot books come to mind. Or did you want this within a particular genre?

      A Wizard’s Guide to Defensive Baking T. Kingfisher

      Minor Mage T. Kingfisher

      Most of Terry Pratchetts novels, not just Discworld.

      The Ride of Her Life – The true story of a woman, her horse and their last chance journey across America by Elizabeth Letts

      The Tao of Equus – by Linda Kohanov

      Watership Down Richard Adams

      Life of Pi Yann Martel

    3. specificspypirate on

      Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel. There’s some violence but it’s not horror. The little romance there is in the book isn’t really romantic (it’s all love-bombing and doesn’t work) and it’s a smaller plot line.
      It’s also dystopian which you said you liked.

    4. You might want to check r/CozyFantasy I’ve found a lot of good books there for getting through tough times. I hope things get better for you ❤️❤️❤️

    5. triggerhappymidget on

      *The Hobbit* or *The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe* come to mind for fantasy recs if you haven’t yet read the classics. LOTR and the rest of the Chronicles of Narnia barely have any romance either.

      Another poster mentioned middle-grade (books aimed at middle schoolers) as they’re generally lighter and little to no romance. If you don’t mind reading this grade level, then there’s stuff like *The Giver* and *Holes* which are both still really popular. First three *Harry Potter* books as well.

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