September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, I like reading Fantasy, and I'm currently looking for a new book. I'm thinking something in the direction of Demon cycle(Brett)/Mistborn(Sanderson).

    Specifically i was hoping anyone would know a book, or preferrably a series, where there is a lot of focus on the given magic system. Exploring it expanding it throughout the story.
    I've gotten Elantris(Sanderson) recommended, and its an example for the kind of book that I dont mean. Sure there is an overarching plot to decipher the magic system, and it was a fun read and a good book, but the story and focus is on the charakters, the politics, and the magic system is just not mentioned at all really.
    A good example would be the demon cycle. where we spend our time with the main character, learning, training and mastering his powers. Then we get magic with music to explore, sience, and thats conected to old myths. Overall we just spend a lot of time Learning about the magic in the world, how it works, what's possible and what's not, limits n stuff.

    sry for the leghty post, I got some troubles expressing myself properly, so I thought I'd just give some examples
    TLDR: I want to read a spellbook.

    by Objective-Survey-846


    1. These are both young adult novels, but :

      The series, The Secrets Of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel had an interesting mechanic for the development of the main character’s magical abilities through the series.

      For a more comical magical mechanic there is the Simon Fayter series. “My only hope? A magic coat that I inherited from a long-dead magical megadude. It does fifty cool things, most of them useless. Sure, it can grant me ninja powers, turn me invisible, and make me leap tall buildings. But most of the time, it malfunctions hilariously by turning my tongue into a high-powered floodlight. Or summoning random junk from a pawn shop…or making a salmon appear in my hand…or manifesting a brain-dead clone of myself.”

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