September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ideally looking for fiction. Not looking for books on Israel/Palestine, Holocaust, or modern Judaism.

    Not religious texts but something that might be good for contemplating the turning over of the Jewish new year.

    In the past I’ve read and enjoyed the following:
    – The Red Tent by Diamant
    – Tevye the Dairyman by Aleichem
    – Periodic Table by Levi
    – The Chosen by Potok
    – The Source by Michener

    by ElbieLG

    1 Comment

    1. The World to Come by Dara Horn

      Days of Awe by Achy Obejas

      The Autobiography of God by Julius Lester (this does have Holocaust content, the MC is a child of survivors and that impacts her life but it is not set during the Holocaust)

      Eternal Life by Dara Horn

      When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb

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