September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone!

    For a long time I tried reading trending books, like the most commented fantasy or romance stuff, and looking back today, the impression I have is that these books are a lot like blockbusters: A lot of explosions and plot twists and not that much depth. In the case of fantasy books, I feel like 70-80% of their strength is in the worldbuilding and I really don't care about this characteristic. Now, I'm not trying to criticize people who like this stuff, but unfortunately for me these don't work.

    That being said, here's some stuff that I read recently and really enjoyed:

    Tender Is The Flesh – Agustina Bazterrica: The story is set in a post-apocaliptic world where humans cannot eat animals anymore. With this, the meat industry is changed so that some humans are specifically created as cattle. The book is almost a non-fiction when describes how this new industry work, but there's also a very interesting storyline involving the MC.

    The Third Policeman – Flann O'Brien: Probably the best thing I've read in a long time. It's pretty much what would happen if David Lynch decided to write a book. Without spoiling too much, the whole surreal events that starts happening after the main character enters Old Mathers's house delighted me, and I just couldn't put the book down.

    Aside from these two, there are some other stuff I enjoyed like Murakami (UFO in Kushiro and other stories, Kafka on The Shore, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle), Kafka (The Trial and The Metamorphosis).

    So, in short, some characteristics that I really enjoy in books: some surrealistic/dreamy situations, nothing too predictable (hero's journey, etc) and preferably not too long (my ADHD will be satisfied with a max of 400 pages. Anything beyond that will probably get me anxious).

    That being said, I'd love some recommendations following these lines and thank you all in advance for any help!

    by LyzbietCorwi

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