September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, I was about to buy a book and was thinking of grabbing Frankenstein. I’m really wondering if it is worth reading. Any ideas or insights, since books in our country are quite expensive? I am a newbie and haven’t read a lot, but I enjoy reading. My past reads were:

    Midnight Library (my first book and favorite 🥹)

    Jane Eyre


    I am also thinking of grabbing Billy Summers by Stephen King, so I’m choosing between Frankenstein and Billy Summers. Thank you for your suggestions!

    by Icyhandsss


    1. Free_Account_9197 on

      Do not buy Frankenstein lol. Get it at the library to make sure you can make it 1/4 thru the book.

    2. extraneous_parsnip on

      It’s a brilliant book — but there’s no need to buy a copy if you’re OK reading e-books, as it is out of copyright so is plentifully available.

    3. It’s an excellent book; it’s written in the English of its day, so it can appear dense, but it’s not overly so. Victor Frankenstein is an arrogant dick, it’s important to know that going in.

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