September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Has anyone else read this? What did you think?

    I thought it was pretty good. A fun read, to me.

    It is a post apocalyptic story of sorts. There was mystery, sci-fi, tech, just a touch of romance, excitement, adventure, and a well told story, in my opinion.

    Any other recommendations from this author?

    Automod removed post for not being long enough or for not containing certain keywords. So let me add more.

    What I like about the story was the reader is in the dark (just like the characters) as to what is happening. And things slowly get revealed.

    What I didn’t like was the main character had a “limitation” and that limitation gave him the ability to easily recognize patterns where others didn’t. I thought that was a bit contrived as a way to help get them out of tight spots or dangerous scenarios.

    I really like the reveal at the end. I didn’t see that coming.

    Okay let’s hope the auto mods accept this. It’s getting annoying trying to post here as this is the third attempt!

    by Joeclu

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