September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just read the first book in the series and I wasn't expecting it to be as funny as it was. I was genuinely laughing out loud throughout. Don't get me wrong, the main character's behavior and outlook and the way that he treats people is abominable, and there's no way that I could recommend reading this to your kids – I think it'd set an awful example for how to treat people – but the writing's hilarious when you're reading it as an adult without kids to worry about.

    For stuff like this, how does it become such a huge sensation (the series has sold over 290 million copies worldwide since the first book's release in 2007)? Do kids find the book on their own? And they think the way this character behaves is funny, or the way he thinks/situations he finds himself in are relatable, so they tell their friends about it? Or is it something where parents find it and read it to their kids because they think it's a good story about childhood and friendship and feeling like an outsider and reaping the consequences of the way we treat others and all that?

    If you have it handy, I strongly suggest reading it. Again, I can't condone any of the main character's decisions or actions, but it won't take you more than a couple hours to read, and the writing really is laugh out loud funny.

    by pardis

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