September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im just about finished A Dance of Dragons by GRRM and im looking for another fantasy novel to keep me going while we wait for The Winds of Winter, it doesn’t have to be knights and kings just anything fantasy really, I find it hard to pick new a book because im a slow reader and i don’t want to start a book if its not worth finishing im a big fan of Stephen King and his Dark Tower Series if that helps, Much Appreciated everyone!

    by GamingGazebo


    1. Tad Williams is who you’re looking for.

      *The Dragonbone Chair* is the start of his Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series which was an influence for GRRM.

    2. Ireallyamthisshallow on

      I’ve just suggested the *First Law* series in another thread, and I’d recommend it here. It is a fantastic series and has a gritty tone I’d imagine you’d like. In fact I’m almost certain the cover has a quote from GRRM on it.

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