September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I had the pretty cool opportunity to read the whole series without ever really being spoiled. I always thought the series was lame so I never cared for the pop culture surrounding it.

    I made a previous post about not liking Hermione when I was reading the books and that was I believe after finishing the prisoner of azkaban and the whole crookshank and that rat fight. But after finishing the book I realise they have all had their insufferable moments since they are teens. Actually them being annoying little shits to each other made them more endearing to me cause they felt like real teenagers.

    I kept some notes for each book in my notes app that I will copy down below. I don’t think I will be watching the movies. I remember finishing the goblet of fire book and deciding to just watch that one and being slightly disappointed that they left out Winky. I feel like my favourite parts will probably not make it into the movies, like I need Kreacher in the movies.

    My favourite book has to be between the Prisoner of Azkaban and The Halfblood Prince. I went from thinking Sirius was some super crazy terrifying thug to him being my favourite character.

    Random notes while reading:

    Goblet of Fire thoughts:
    – Love what was done with Winky
    – It took them a very long time to get to the Hogwarts part in the book, that kind of annoyed me.
    – Strange that Mrs. Weasley was cold towards Hermione after the rumours by that Skeeter woman spread
    – Poor poor poor Cedric, teared up thinking about his classmates
    – The romance thing is not for me, I wish it wasnt there between the gang
    – My heart absolutely broke for Neville. He has gone through so much, I actually cried again damn it.
    – At no point did I suspect mad-eye moody to be the person behind putting Harry’s name in the Goblet. Well played, very well played. But from now on im suspecting every defence against the dark arts teacher.

    Order of the Phoenix Thoughts:
    – I felt so sad for Harry, he felt like everything and everyone was against him. Dumbledore was ignoring him and leaving him in the dark and the Ministry was being evil to him.
    – I really like Luna, she is so whimsical and so herself.
    – Umbridge needs to go to hell.
    – Weirdly enough, I always liked Percy cause he reminded me of myself (overachiever because feels overshadowed and invisible due to big family). I just cannot bring myself to hate him cause I understand him.
    – Umbridge is a fascist.
    – Meeting Neville in the hospital BROKE ME.
    – Snape’s going to hell because why are you beefing with a teenager because you hated his daddy.
    – Admittedly, I never cared about any parts with Grawp or Hagrid’s trip with the giants.
    – I love that they have to sit exams and also do a lot of normal student stuff. Hermione reminds me of myself back then and it is all just nostalgic.
    – Sirius dying RUINED ME. I loved that Harry finally had someone to call his close family 😫.

    Half-Blood Prince Thoughts
    – Romance between the gang was full on in this book. I didn’t mind it actually, comes with the age.
    – Shout-out to Slughorn, I was waiting for a Slytherin who wasnt evil. I really wish we had more likeable slytherins
    – Ginny is cool af.
    – I loved going through memories, those parts were so fun to read especially getting Voldemort’s backstory.
    – Dumbledore’s death has shook me up. I was CONVINCED this book was going to give us a Snape redemption story. That man is sick and evil, he has been rude to Harry for all of the books.

    Deathly Hallows Thoughts
    – Kreacher and Regulus story is hella dark omg… I feel so bad for Kreacher
    – How the hell is any parent still sending their kids to Hogwarts??
    – I love the name of Luna’s dad, Xenophilius Lovegood is an awesome name.
    – When Remus Lupin came to the Black house where the gang was hiding and he was acting strange, I was convinced he was just an undercover death eater. That’s why I thought Harry was picking a fight with him.
    – Dobby’s death and burial made me cry, Harry getting the last horcrux from the snitch aan having all his deceased loved ones around him as he walked to his death made me cry. Neville’s grandmother being proud of him and joining him in battle made me cry.
    – Ron is my favourite character, he is just so real. If I was heavily injured wearing a depression necklace while starving and camping in the rain in freaking England, I would lose all my shit as well. i teared up when he came back.
    – This book actually scared me in certain parts ngl. Them dementors and death eaters lurking everywhere… very scary.
    – Snape was actually a double agent all time… He was still a dick to Harry but I guess he just really couldnt see past the fact that Harry reminded him of James. & Dumbledore was already on borrowed time… well played JK Rowling, well played.
    – Harry saying Voldemort’s name and them then getting caught because of that pissed me off so bad.
    – Kreacher leading an army of elfs against Voldemort had me laughing but also so heartwarming
    – Admittedly since finding out that Neville and Harry were both born in the same month and that Neville also lost his parents… since book 4 that the plot twist would be that Neville was actually the chosen one and the one to defeat Voldemort.
    – Bellatrix LeStrange dying at the hands of mrs. weasley only feels right.
    – Making Teddy Lupin an orphan is ice cold…

    by dionysoursugar

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