September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all,

    I'm looking for fantasy books that inspire wonder, awe. This is what I've loved already since being a child & well into my adulthood.

    Gritty fantasy or fantasy with political schemes and heaps of cynism is all good, but I really would like to read something that would just enchant me, so to say.

    Give me Narnia, give me Hogwarts, give me Middle-earth.

    Few things I would add is that I'd really appreciate no bad/sad endings or stuff with heavy, oppressive atmosphere. Rather Classic / high fantasy, I'd really rather avoid urban fantasy if there is any focus placed on the mundane world.

    Can you think of anything?

    by Seiridis


    1. **Howl’s Moving Castle** by Diana Wynne Jones

      **Stardust** by Neil Gaiman

      **Strange the Dreamer** by Laini Taylor

    2. Andre Norton – The Five Senses trilogy or the Witch World series. *Witch World* starts in a mundane world but not for long.

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