September 2024
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    When I was in middle school I read "Eleni", a book about Greek internment camps as the result of the Greek Civil War (something along those lines been years since I read it)

    I was thinking about it and want more books that relate to history that I'm probably not familiar with. Don't want anything to do with the USA for the most part. I want "smaller" countries that don't get much attention.

    WW2/WW1 is okay depending on which country but, not if it was a superpower at the time (Japan, Britain, USA etc)

    Book can be any period as well 1200bc or 1820, doesn't matter.

    by Practical_Step_3930


    1. Definitely check out PASSAGE TO ARARAT by Michael Arlen. YOKOHAMA BURNING is a good one by Joshua Hammer, as is BLOSSOMS IN THE WIND by A.G. Sheftall. Oh, and Thomas Craughwell’s HOW THE BARBARIAN INVASIONS SHAPED THE MODERN WORLD.

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