September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I'm an eight grader, (13, turning 14, mental age 41). According to the doctor who performed my autism assessment, I'm in the 93th percentile for reading and linguistics. I enjoy the realistic fiction, horror, and dystopian genres, especially if they have LGBTQ+ representation. I'm not a huge fan of romance or fantasy. Does anyone have some book recommendations for me?

    by idiot_nation


    1. you might like what moves the dead by t kingfisher. enby main, eerie story of them returning to a small isolated house as a favour and finding that some eerie stuff is going on, the area seems almost dead

      no romance, it’s horror in a unique way i’ve never seen (i dont want to spoil whats causing all the disturbances in the area because it’s really cool…)

      the writing is nothing outstanding but the concept is so cool

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