September 2024
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    1. One_Engineering8030 on

      Whether or not you’ve ever read his books or seen his movies, there is an excellent book just for this. It is a semiotic biographical book that talks about his journey to becoming a writer, and also give some pointers and the latter half of the book on writing itself, but the journey of a writer and the focus on the dedication to both reading and writing For writers who are dedicated to the craft is very important. And the book is titled.

      On writing by Stephen King.

      I own a print copy of the book and I also own a cassette copy of the book in which Steven King voices it. I also downloaded a copy of the book through the National Federation For The Blind because I am now blind since the first time I bought this book 16 or 17 years ago. And the unfortunate thing is that this new or download this new audiobook is not voiced by Stephen King. It’s a voice by someone else and while that person does an adequate job, I really like hearing Stephen words in his own voice, but don’t let that throw you off listening or reading to this if you don’t get a copy of that. Either way it is an excellent book. I’ve read it six or seven times because it’s also very inspirational and it really puts the reader in the mind of writing and letting you realize how important it is to read right and repeat while also not kicking themselves too hard on how rough a rough draft might be.

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