September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone, I’m 17 years old about to turn 18 and not much of a book reader. I just recently last year read a book that talks about feelings and thoughts and how they effect you, I’ve never had something stick with me as much as that book did and I feel like my mental health and life has improved since than. I don’t ever read books and never really enjoyed reading but after that book it really showed me how beneficial they can be.

    Ever since I was younger I’ve dreamed about taking care of my family and being wealthy to some sort, whether I thought in my silly head that’s going to be through stocks, creating my own business etc. So recently after graduating High School, I’ve started going to college for a Business Administration degree as this is what I feel like my path is to achieve my goals. I save my allowances really well, and have kind of seen what not to do with money and to avoid bad spending habits. So I expect it to translate when I get my first job and start making my own money. Like I mentioned I haven’t gotten my first job, but have been working on applying to lots of places hoping for an interview sadly to no luck. All in all, I’m looking for good books that’ll teach me the ways to reach my goals, either if that’s a book that teaches me good mindsets on money, what to do when I start making my own money to further snowball it, or books that’ll help me reach or give insight on good ways to reach wealth or financial stability.

    Thank you all in advance !

    by Tango12311

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