September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    pls suggest me a book with this type of poetic language to describe sex lol. This book is an 80s novel called The Nest ((it is NOT an erotica and if you hate roaches consider rhis your TW))

           “Sex swept over her and sent her spinning in a riptide of a discovered ocean without end. Her body surged like a breaking wave itself, a curling spume and lacy foam of sheer, breath-catching delight. Peter Hubbard's sex pressed between her legs and she spread herself wider, welcoming, wanting, lusting for him now. She felt Peter Hubbard enter her body. He was full and strong and straight. She uttered one small cry which gave way in a moment to a gasp of ecstasy.

    She held him fast inside of her as the deck of her life listed in the sudden storm of emotions she had never sailed before. She clung to him harder as her body became a skimming craft on swelling seas. She rose and fell, bobbed and turned and wheeled and heeled. She was a ship running before the wind of love; she was its sails; he was its keel. She was a bird; he was its wings.”

    by ambitiousbit404

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