September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I listened to The Martian audiobook for about one hour before getting frustrated and looking up when it actually gets interesting. This is when I learned that basically the whole story is the main character solving engineering problems and explaining the science in depth. I thought it was cool at first, but I kept waiting for the soul of the story to kick in, for the main character to process his predicament and learn more about his emotional state and life he left behind, etc, but apparently that never really happens.

    I had several friends recommend Project Hail Mary to me and said that it was the most amazing book they’ve read in awhile. After looking it up and seeing that it’s the same author, I’m wondering if Project Hail Mary will just be more of the same.

    I don’t mind the hard science stuff and do find it fascinating at times but I think it’d have to be mixed in with interesting characters and plot lines. I can’t read a book that’s JUST scientific explanations the whole time. The Martian was my first hard science book though so I’m not sure if that was just the case for that book, or I should just avoid this genre in general (or maybe just avoid the author).

    Is Project Hail Mary worth reading?

    by CamelDazzling

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