September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello, everybody!

    My apologies if this is a really silly question to most of you avid readers but I'm a book newbie who just finished his first book in years (I always thought I should read more and only just did) and, now that I am looking for the next book to read, I feel quite overwhelmed by the immense quantity of books that are on the market!

    The book I just finished, Freakonomics, is a non-fiction book, a category that is appealing to me. However, I am not opposed to other types of books, if they are interesting!

    More than a book recommendation (which is also welcome!), my question is how do you fine people usually go about picking a book out of a seemingly infinite selection?

    Thank you all for your time and have a great day! Happy reading!

    by cray2thez86

    1 Comment

    1. If there’s a new book by an author I like, that goes top of the list. After that, I’ve got a long list of books I’ve added to my tbr (to be read) list on StoryGraph, so I’ll sort by whatever genre or mood I’m looking for and pick a couple books to try. Alternatively, I’ll stagger books on hold from library so I just read whatever comes in first.

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