September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi! I’m looking for novels—preferably adult lit fic or adjacent, but open to all genres—set in theatre/theater/drama/acting school settings. Like a campus novel, but the campus is specifically a theatre school or department. I feel like there are lots of novels set in college and even art school or MFA programs, but can’t think of that many that are theatre school.

    Slight preference also for the story not revolving around Shakespeare/putting on a Shakespeare show. Obviously I know Shakespeare is going to be big in these kinds of books—and for good reason, these can be great!—but I’m curious if there are any where the students are doing more contemporary or even original work.

    I know about If We Were Villains and All’s Well.

    Would love suggestions!! Thank you! 🙂

    by ratruby


    1. **Trust Exercise** by Susan Choi definitely fits. It’s polarizing, but interesting. If you decide to try it, I suggest not reading too much about it beforehand. 

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