September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone! I'm an Italian student and I've been studying English literature in high school for 2 years now (going for the 3rd!). The thing is that in my country, the subject is always percived as a way to achive fluency (which i have already) in order to get certifications… Using Shakespeare as a way to be more competitive in the work field has always been insufferable for me, so I've been thinking for a while to start studying literature siriously on my own. The problem is that the book I own for school is very childish and full of language and grammar exercises instead of actual analysis of the works and the authors. I'm asking any of you fellow literature students/teachers if you could recommend any good book (possibly designed for a British/American audience) that you've used in your classroom. Thanks to anyone who will be so kind to reply :>

    by No_Strawberry_9091

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