September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, fellow bookworms of Reddit! 👋

    I'm on a quest for books that dive deep into the minds of characters whose intelligence isn't just mentioned but shown. Here's what I'm after:

    • Mind-Blowing Plots: Stories where every move is part of an elaborate chess game, and the protagonist's intellect is key to unraveling the plot.

    • Intellectual Feats: Not just 'smart' but characters whose thought processes are laid out, making you go, "Wow, that's diabolically clever!"

    • Deception and Strategy: I want to see characters using their high IQ for deception, planning, and outsmarting others, where every decision feels like a masterstroke.

    • Awe-Inspiring Simplicity: Those moments where the solution is so simple yet so genius, you're left wondering, "Why didn't I think of that?"

    Here's what I'm not looking for:

    • Telling, Not Showing: Books where characters are just labeled as smart without demonstrating it.

    • Surface-Level Intellect: Stories where the genius is more about tech or gadgets than the raw power of the mind.

    If you've got recommendations where the narrative itself reflects the character's intelligence, where every page turn reveals another layer of strategic thinking, drop them below!

    Looking forward to your suggestions, you brilliant bunch! 📚🔍

    TLDR: Recommend books with characters whose genius drives the plot, showcasing their intellect through cunning, strategy, and mind games.

    by Suspicious-Kick379

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