September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read quite a lot, and recently I’ve noticed I’ve read a lot of books by women or that are LGBTQ+, about processing their place in a changing social landscape. I’ve really enjoyed a lot of these books.

    It’s made me realise that as a straight, white, cis gendered man I actually haven’t read anything about to help me process my own feelings about the changing social post modern landscape.

    Some of the books I’ve read are like Shelia Hetty on being a woman, Isabell Waider on being queer, Sally Rooney on female dating, Miranda July or self reflection stuff, Sheena Patel on social media and dating etc.

    This post is not a dog whistle to recommend some alt-right stuff. I’m hoping for books closer to Ben Lerner.

    by DM_me_goth_tiddies


    1. DM_me_goth_tiddies on

      Another example would be Acts of Service by Lillian Fisman, about navigating polyamory and open relationships.

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