September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Of course, a lot of sci-fi and fantasy books establish their own rules and are very different from our own world. I'm looking for books that are sci-fi/fantasy based that may seem somewhat mundane on the surface but diverge greatly from the expected. I'm not really looking for books that have a single "hook" throughout or a twist at the end but more a world where the reader is constantly presented things/scenarios that don't align with our reality but almost pretend to.

    I felt this way about Only Forward as it almost pretended to follow what we might consider our societal norms, but really didn't (even given the large differences). I kept trying to both decipher the plot and the rules of the world as I went along.

    I'm kind of sick right now, so likely not explaining this very well.


    by AceSpinVader

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