September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My brother is 5 and I as the oldest sibling and only responsible adult in the family end up taking care of him a lot. He likes books and me reading to him a lot and its something we do very often.

    For context I am disabled, I use a wheelchair and sometimes crutches around the house, my brother has been diagnosed with the same condition as me and will probably end up similarly, and my whole family Including me and my brother are autistic

    Recently hes started asking why there aren't any books with people "like us" and why every character can walk and do things we can't and I personally think its a very good point

    So, do you know of any children's books with disabled/autistic/mobility aid using main characters so that my brother feels like we fit in and deserve stories about people like us

    by Sparky_is_bored

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