September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just recently finished the First in the City by Jenn McMahon which was amazing, I totally loved it. But I just felt different finishing this series like I was sad that it was over and didn't really know what to do with myself for a little bit after finishing reading the last book. It got me thinking about how I felt about finishing a series when I was younger and I realized that I didn't read a lot of series as a kid. I read Magic Tree House and Junie B Jones when first starting to read but never truly finished them I just stopped reading them because I become older and needed something more challenging. I read the Black Stallion series and Harry Potter but I was just like ok the adventure is over never sad to me.

    I noticed I read a lot series now but most of them are interconnected standalone series where it either takes place in the same town where the characters are either friends, run into each other/know of each other or it's a series about siblings. But most of the time the characters from the other books are only briefly mentioned not playing a huge part in the new book, only mentioned or introduced to promote the next book or brought back for a couple chapters because some drama is happening between the two new characters. Or like Percy Jackson it sort of ends but continues on with new characters along with the original characters in the new series.

    Jenn McMahon's series I believe is the first series that I have read where you get to keep the characters from the other books and see how their lives are doing and see them play a part in the new book an actually part not just something brief that it's pointless to the plot. You get to grow and become attached to them.

    I'm curious if finishing a series has always been the same for you or has it changed as you gotten older and developed and grew as a reader?

    by ChocolateLover207

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