September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really like the idea of huge fantasy series but I often struggle with them. My three favorite fantasy epics of all time are ASOIAF, First Law and WOT. Those are also the ONLY series longer than a trilogy where I've managed to go the distance and read everything available. I think what separates them and kept me invested was getting attached to certain characters. In particular, I really like charming but morally complicated (or outright villainous) characters (Tyrion, Cersei, Doran, Littlefinger, Wyman, Glotka, Logen, Monza, Morveer, Cosca, Savine, Orso, Matrim, Lanfear, Graendal, Cadsuane) or really well drawn female characters that don't need to co-opt traditionally (toxic) masculine traits to be awesome (Daenarys, Sansa, Rikke, Moiraine, Min, Nynaeve).

    Other series I've read or tried:

    Lord of the Rings – Read the Hobbit and the Trilogy and enjoyed it well enough. Bilbo, Gollum and Boromir (and Boromir's cranky-ass dad) are probably my favorites.

    Green Bone Saga – Loved it. Love Shae, Wen and Hilo. Ayt Mada is a top-notch villain.

    Sword of Truth – I read the first 2 or 3 books years ago but the one amoral witch lady (Shota?) was the only character I really liked. Richard also felt way OP.

    Malazan – Finished the first book. Very cool concepts but hard to follow. And it seems like the books jump all over the place so I'm not sure there are characters I can hitch my wagon to?

    Mistborn – Finished the first trilogy. I liked Kelsier. Between this and the final 3 WOT books, I've not been too interested in reading further Sanderson. He's good but not really my cup of tea. Too tidy, maybe?

    Kushiel's Dart – I read the first book and enjoyed it but didn't have a desire to continue.

    Poppy War – Most of the first book but DNF. Grimdark stuff gets old fast with no humor.

    Gentlemen Bastards – I read maybe half of the first book but none of the characters really grabbed me. Maybe I'll give it another go sometime.

    Riftwar Saga – This is what inspired this post. I really like the idea of dimensional clashes but I just completely lost interest about two thirds of the way through the first book.

    I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting. Thanks for any recommendations!

    by Alazra


    1. Saga of the Forgotten Warrior, Corriea

      Black Jewels, Bishop

      Symphony of Ages, Haydon

      Ryeria Revelations, Sullivan

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