September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I really love the first third of The Stand, as well as McCarthy's "The Road." I'm looking for fiction books with a similar vibe about society unraveling during nuclear apocalypse, pandemic, or other kinds of global disasters. I'd like to avoid zombie apocalypse, and am hoping for recs where it feels like a possible scenario.

    by snuffle-bunny


    1. _Station Eleven_ spans several decades, and starts just before a viral outbreak kills the vast majority of the population. It follows a large number of characters and their unique perspectives as society collapses and sort of re-emerges.

    2. Prophet Song by Paul Lynch is about disintegration of society. Although not based on a global disaster, it’s about a government slipping into authorisation rule and civilians having to escape, some choose to stay a fight as rebels. It echoes the struggles of refugees in places like Middle East/Ukraine.

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