September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently read this fanfiction (it was about 400k I feel like it should count as a book atp) but it was about the female character realising she doesn’t have to stay in a miserable, loveless marriage, and she finally leaves the man. What made my heart ache in that story, is that the man treated his wife badly because he never truly loved her, settled for her, and she never loved him either but married him out of convenience. So they were terrible for each other because of that, after the divorce, things were initially bad, but the man ended up being an amazing father and a great husband to the woman he actually loves, and the wife, she ended up falling in love with another man and she rebuilt her life from scratch where she started all over at 30. That story made me tear up because the themes are so important yet not many books talk about it, if someone has anything similar that would be incredible!

    by Hot_Engineering_4821


    1. Not exactly the same story/order of things. But I really loved Us by David Nicholls and it has the same themes, divorce, parenting, being a team and growing together, but also growing apart.
      Its about a man who desperately wants to save his marriage, with a lot of flashbacks how they met, how their life was together.

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