September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I'm finishing LA Confidential by Ellroy and while I have to say it's very hard to put down, I also find it very twisty and hard to follow (to the point that my head hurts) due to all the several subplots and the many many side characters you meet.
    In addition, I think the author's style is very dry.

    I'm looking for a similar detective story but a bit more linear featuring:

    1. Explicit violence
    2. Weapons (shotguns)
    3. Drugs
    4. Racism and xenophobia
    5. Corrupt cops

    The beginning of LA Confidential sums it up perfectly because you have weapons, drugs, corrupt cops and a shooting.. anything like it?

    P.s. I have Just finished Reading No country for old man but McCarthy's style is not my cup of tea even if it is indeed fascinating


    by RadioTheUniverses

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