October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    guys i absolutely hated that book. i CANNOT stand misaki and the way she was treated almost the entire book.

    i dropped it at around 65% because i couldn't take it anymore. her son dies, but her extremely asshat husband doesn't??

    like i had to go read spoilers just to find out her husband apologizes and acts like he's been neglectful to his children because of his struggles and how he has to act as a mountain. like ok? whenever your wife tried to talk and help you in the past and all you did was tell her to stay out your business because she's a stupid woman. and misaki just kinds of accepts it??

    i get why people might like the story but i just can't help but feel frustrated for misaki and also kind of annoyed at her (even tho i understand why she did what she did). like she was in love w Robin and blindly listened to her dad and acted like he was right all along.

    girl you suffered for over a decade supressing your true self for WHAT

    by quntqween


    1. lanky_planky on

      I didn’t love the book for other reasons – and I agree that the tension there lasted far longer than maybe it needed to… but Misaki and her husband (and the reader) eventually reach mutual understanding in the last 35% of the book.

    2. mittenknittin on

      You don’t ever have to apologize for not liking a book. We all have different tastes, not all protagonists are meant to be likeable, and some characters’ flaws and bad decisions are going to be more than you can tolerate to enjoy a book. It’s fine.

    3. LightningRaven on

      Wait. You don’t like Misaki herself or the way she was treated? The central conflict of the novel is about that. It gets resolved by the end.

      Personally, I really love this book. Great characters, interesting world and really tense and impactful action scenes. I too hated the husband with a passion. Even though his comeuppance doesn’t come in exactly the way I wanted to, I think it came in the way that mattered.

      I think the conclusion was satisfying without veering on being sappy or being bleak. Definitely worth finishing the novel.

      The author’s other novel, Blood Over Bright Haven, was also quite great. Definitely someone that I will look forward to reading.

    4. I struggled thru the entire first 80% then it unraveled exactly as expected and I couldn’t bother wasting another minute to finish it
      Not only did I not like the book I hated it and have no clue why it’s recommended so hard

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