September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have always used Goodreads to find new books and read reviews, but I feel like I need a different tool or app to help me keep track of all the books I want to read next, if that makes sense? I feel like I just have a never-ending TBR list, and I want to keep a chronological list of books I want to read in order. I don’t know if that makes sense or if it’s just my type A brain in overdrive lol! (Probably the latter 🫠) I am a mom of 3, work full-time, and have 50 million lists in my notes app already, so I just want a better way to keep track of my books! 🤗 Let me know if you have any recs and thanks in advance!

    by Opening-Shape-762


    1. Roland_D_Sawyboy on

      Also finding Storygraph useful for the basic listing with a few “bonus” (to me) features.

    2. I love Storygraph’s rating system because you can be more precise with it as it allows 0.25 star increments. Also love seeing the monthly wrap up collages.

      If you love seeing data of your books/reading habits, this is the way to go.

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