September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’m looking to read romance books as someone who is unfamiliar with the genre. I’m not into spice at all so please refrain from recommending books of that variety. As for specific preferences I’m interested in the idea of the mc being terrified upon realizing that she’s/he’s in love and struggles to navigate through those emotions or maybe expresses it unconventionally. In terms of the latter, Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare and The Mary Russell series by Laurie R King is my only frame of reference in terms of character interactions that represents love in unconventional ways like appreciating one’s mind. “Without intellect there can be no love” is one of my favorite quotes in the series.

    I’d like to read more books like that. However as I know that preference is unconventional I’m also open to reading books that are more representative of the standard romance genre.

    Thanks for reading this message! I look forward to hearing what you recommend!

    by SuperSpyPenguin

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