September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! Hopefully someone can help me with some tips on saving money on books. I have my local library that I frequent often, but I sometimes run into situations where the hold is super long. I have this same problem with Libby and ebooks for my kindle. Once a hold comes through I may not be in a position to read or even interested in reading that specific book anymore. I do have kindle unlimited which I use the most probably but I’m now running into a situation where I’m just not really enjoying the books offered anymore. I know I can buy physically books at the library or a thrift store but I don’t have too much space for physical books and sometimes it’ll mean I have to wait quite a while before new releases or popular books end up at those locations.

    I know there’s that ebook library from Florida, but it’s now saying I have to pay for another year of the ecard.

    So my question is, how do people save the most money on books? What’s your method?

    P.s. if you drop a book recommendation, I will return a recommendation. Thanks!

    by loserrr2


    1. Honestly, thrift stores and used book shops. I’m not sure what type of area you’re in, but I would be surprised if you didn’t have any.

    2. I do a lot of comparison shopping. I have the space for physical books, and I usually compare Amazon and Half Price Books, keeping in mind I can get free shipping from the former and there’s a charge from the latter. I also occasionally compare to Powell’s. On my Amazon wishlist I’ll add a memo with the price so I can more easily monitor when it drops.

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