July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Cowboys or Samurai? Can’t decide which to read first. Can’t decide whether i’m more in the mood for the adventure of Lonesome Dove or the intrigue of Shogun (i’ve been super interested in both for a while now). I know they’re entirely different books, and i plan on reading both but i want to be enticed to read one or the other NOW! Narrow it down! Convince me to read one or the other.

    PS. I don’t care there’s a series coming out for Shogun i already know that’s why i bought it but i want to know literary reasons why i might prefer one or the other (i will still read both, just need a fiction break from my fantasy/scifi binge of First Law and red rising series respectively lol)

    by zigzaggummyworm


    1. Read them both simultaneously; read one chapter then switch books. It may sound crazy but the mixed memories may be worth it since they are equally excellent.

    2. Precious_Tritium on

      Hey perfect timing. I just started Shogun and it’s zipping right along.

      Lonesome Dove I finished just two weeks ago. Absolutely amazing. I’ve had a “book hangover” from it still going strong. Just fascinating on every page. You really grow to know the characters and that comes with all the implied emotional highs and lows.

      Enjoy. You won’t regret that book only that it ended.

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