September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Professional-Echo409 on

      I am having the same problem.

      Recently completed reading White Nights and The Metamorphosis in one sitting. But later, i started Notes from the underground, struck in the 7th chapter. It’s been 1 week since i touched it again.

    2. Easy_Personality_895 on

      two sittings technically, but we have always lived in the castle. Great with the audiobook as a read-along

    3. The Maid by Nita Prose
      All Systems Red by Martha Wells, this one is sci fi but pretty short and engaging
      Confessions by Kanae Minato
      And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

    4. Uncensored_truth on

      The Chosen: Part Two by Isaac Rivera. A rollercoaster of a ride that novel. Starts off with a bang, then slows down a bit and then action throughout.

    5. FalseSebastianKnight on

      The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon. It’s pretty short (like 150 pages) but it’s so dense there’s more going on in that book than in most 500 page books. It’s about a housewife in 1960s California (when the book was written) who gets sucked into investigating a conspiracy involving a multiple hundreds of years old feud between two secret societies of mail carriers. Pynchon’s writing is pretty polarizing though; you either fall in love with it or want to throw it on a burning pile and never hear it spoken of again so keep that in mind I suppose.

    6. Obedience by Will Lavender

      Not the best by any means, but I just had to know what was happening.

      Only book I every finished in one seating without deciding beforehand that’s what I was going to do

    7. Strange_Travels on

      The Manual of Detection by Jedediah Berry. It’s a quirky book that not a lot of people know. It has, over the years become my goto comfort read.

    8. olivesquirrel115 on

      No Exit by Taylor Adams
      This is my go-to book recommendation but fits here perfectly! It’s fast paced and manages to keep that pace once it gets going and makes you want to keep finding out what will possibly happen next

    9. JDean_WAfricaStories on

      So Long a Letter by Mariama Bâ. Such a little book but impactful one that seems to just resonate with me.

    10. To my own surprise: If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio. It was a bit out of my comfort zone / not the type of book I usually read, but for some reason I couldn’t put it down AT ALL. I finished it at around 5am (I was so tired and my eyes were burning, but I just couldn’t bring myself to stop) and was only saved by the fact that it was the weekend 😂

    11. The ones I couldn’t stop and devoted every spare minute to was the red rising original trilogy. Recently the dark forest.

    12. The lost symbol by Dan Brown. I didn’t even have an intention to read it, i just wanted to read first few pages to see what it’s like and before you know it it was night and i finished it. I forgot i even read it in less than a month. I started reading it again not long after and i was like wait… i read this book xD

    13. just_a_guy_whoknows on

      The da vinci code

      I read it in arabic , i did not yet know how to read well in english , my first thriller too , got me into the genre , then reading lead me to trying new ones , o e thing lead to another and i read around 50 books a year know and i have around 2400 books on my good reads to read list

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