September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all,

    I’m looking for books (partially) set in hell or purgatory that don’t follow the usual “this is a terrible place, let’s get out of here” and don’t have any or too many Christian undertones.
    Something that e.g. features demons and their life in hell, demons coming from there or characters travelling there that don’t have to go through the whole redemption ark.
    Not really looking for comedy, but something dark, weird, gothic-y or dramatic.

    Currently reading the “Soul of a Witch” by Harley Laroux and thoroughly enjoying the glimpses into hell this book offers.
    I was also really intrigued by “Lost Gods” by Brom. Purgatory was a terrible place in this book, but it didn’t come with the usual undertones this setting often brings.

    I didn’t particularly enjoy Good Omens (sorry) and found the Sandman only mildly ok.

    by One-Cellist6257


    1. Of course youve read Dante’s inferno? I want to know the book you decide on please if you don’t mind, I’m also interested in reading on this topic.

    2. So, it doesn’t entirely fit the bill as it is about escaping hell, but the concept of hell is totally different. It’s a short story called “A short stay in hell” it’s very good, it’s like psychological horror

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