September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm looking to do a challenge of fiction books that have been short listed over the last 10 years for one particular award.
    Problem is I can't decide which award!
    I read most genres, except romance, and particularly enjoy crime, dystopian,mystery, fantasy, horror and general lit.
    Which award(s) do people feel generally have decent winners? (I have started lists before based on Goodreads and been very disappointed!)

    by Ziarh33


    1. I did a college class that involved reading several National Book Award winners, and I still think about it to this day. I didn’t like all of the books – I outright hated some of them – but every single one was interesting and thought-provoking and definitely felt like it deserved to be read. 
      It’s mostly either contemporary or historical fiction, although it does include some magical realism and even sci-fi titles. Note that it’s ann American award, so it only applies to US books, but I think it’s definitely worth your consideration.

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