September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i was a bookworm in highschool, but when covid happened, plus getting my first job, has gotten me busy and i went astray from reading. im getting my library card renewed and im ready to become a book worm again. theres just so many books and its a little overwhelming. id like some suggestions!

    i enjoy fiction sci fi adventure, a little bit of romance and mystery. comedy and humor is my #1. i do like a good lighthearted book. im looking for books like

    It’s kind of a funny story- Ned Vizzini

    The absolutely true diary of a part time indian – Sherman Alexie

    lullabies for little criminals – Heather O’neil (definitely a different vibe from the other two but i really enjoyed this one)


    by GalaxieJunkie

    1 Comment

    1. Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman

      The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells

      Both are sci-fi adventures with a lot of comedy

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