September 2024
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    1. You may like *Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead*, by Olga Tokarczuk. There’s not a lot of action in it, as the narrator is an elderly woman in a small town in Poland who loves animals, astrology, and Blake’s poetry, but people start turning up dead under mysterious circumstances.

    2. Not exactly the same thing, but *We Have Always Lived in the Castle* checks some of those boxes.

    3. One of my all time favourite books fits this description perfectly so I must recommend The Girl in 6E by Alessandra Torre. It’s about a woman who has locked herself in her apartment for years because she has psychopathic fantasies of murdering people and she thinks if she interacts with society she won’t be able to control herself. She works online as a cam girl, and one day one of her regular clients says something disturbing that relates to a missing little girl, so she forces herself to finally leave her apartment on a mission.

      It’s the best female villain/anti-hero book and I have read it multiple times. You should love it!

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