September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Butterball-24601 on

      Sisters of Jade, by James Downe. Four badass piratey adventurers go to save an old friend’s kidnapped daughter.

    2. When Women were Dragons by Kelly Barnhill

      Walking Practice by Dolki Min

      Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon

      Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker

      Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey

      In Universes by Emet North

    3. *Gideon the Ninth*, Tamsyn Muir

      *The Traitor Baru Cormorant*, Seth Dickinson

      *A Master of Djinn,* P. Djèlí Clark

      *The Empress of Salt and Fortune* (or another book in the Singing Hills cycle), Nghi Vo

      Some of my favorites!

    4. PrincessMurderMitten on

      Sheri S Tepper

      Some of my favorites are The Fresco, The Gate into Women’s Country and Singer from the Sea

      Judith Merkle Riley
      ( Historical fiction/fantasy)

      A Vision of Light, The Serpent Garden, The Oracle Glass

      The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett

      Especially the Witches series and Tiffany Aching

      Wee Free Men, Witches Abroad, Lords and Ladies

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