September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently finished the audiobook for The Singularity is Nearer – and for whatever reason, I was reminded, yet again, of some thought experiments that were in The Mind's I, if I recall correctly (it's been a very, very long time since I've read it).

    I'm kind of hoping to find more in the vein of philosophy of AI, futurism, life extension and so on after listening to Kurzweil's update to his earlier work (which I thought paired well with Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto).

    So…anyone have any suggestions for what to read next?

    by AnotherDevArchSecOps

    1 Comment

    1. Icy-Inflation1744 on

      *I Am a Strange Loop* by Douglas Hofstadter is excellent (it mentions *The Mind’s I* in a few parts). If you’re looking for something bulkier, then *Godel, Escher, Bach* by the same author is wonderful (my favorite book by far). The latter talks more about foundational topics in symbolic logic that became really useful in developing AI, while the former was made more than a decade later and reflects on it with a more modern understanding of things. You don’t need to read *Godel, Escher, Bach* first, but if you like the topic then I couldn’t recommend it enough. These two sound exactly like what you’re looking for. I reference each in regular conversation at least once a month.

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