September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m currently reading this book today and hoping to finish it tonight. This book sparked my love of reading again.

    I love the unhinged female narrator. I love that’s in a realistic, modern setting (not a huge fan of fantasy or sci-fi, but historical fiction and horror is fine). I love the cynical, depressing, petty yet humorous writing style. I love characters who put themselves in a downward-spiral rather than characters that get thrown into tragic situations for shock value.

    Anything remotely similar to this?

    I’ve already read “The Bell Jar” and “Diary of an Oxygen Thief” is on my list.

    by deerwithaphone


    1. Everyone in this Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily R Austin — A dark comedy about a woman with crippling anxiety who accidentally ends up trying to solve a murder mystery. It’s brilliantly written.

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