September 2024
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    I loved Between Shades of Gray (fiction about surviving Siberian exile,) Angela’s Ashes, The Color Purple, The Orphan Collector, Educated, I’m Glad My Mom Died, The Glass Castle… My Goodreads Read shelf is full of books about people going through absolute shit.

    I’ve read tons of Holocaust books, fiction and nonfiction, and I’m looking for something different from that. Stories of someone making it out of a Communist country are appealing, but I’m up for whatever.

    Can be a memoir or fiction.

    Any suggestions?

    by Unique_Profit_4569


    1. Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

      It’s inspired by David Copperfield, and I found myself putting the book down multiple times because of how bad I felt for the characters. Really great read though!

    2. Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick – about the lives of people in North Korea, and their escape to South Korea. Definitely fits the terrible situations theme.

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