September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    (crossposted to r/bookrecommendations)

    hello there everyone-

    so, The Poppy War trilogy is my favorite series of all time. the moral ambiguity of the MC, Rin, is some of the best i’ve ever read and i really love the themes of empires and conquest that pervade throughout. i saw a lot of people mentioning The Traitor Baru Cormorant in a similar vein and ended up reading it and liking it quite a bit! so i am looking for other books similar to that genre- if i had to summarize it, i would say “morally grey protagonists trying, at any cost, to protect their homes from conquest by other empires.”

    hope that all makes sense and hope there are some similar reads out there. thanks all!

    by grainiary

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