September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi y'all, I'm in my 20s, lately I've been feeling if somethings were told by parents when I was a teenager or just given heads up before I screwed up I would have avoided it or made better choice that I wouldn't regret latter in life.

    It could be fiction or non fiction and about anything like life, relationship, physical changes, finance, mistakes, being adult, responsibility etc,.

    Thanks in advance.

    by ValuableHope3050

    1 Comment

    1. Your question is super-broad so it’s hard to get specific. Nevertheless, try:

      Any book by Lisa D’Amour for info on young adult development and psychology

      The “Financial Peace” material from Dave Ramsey is a good start for financial literacy/paying down debt strategy/budgeting.

      How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a classic interpersonal skills type book. Stop Worrying and Start Living is good too.

      You might consider reflecting on your current life and your self-perceived areas of ignorance. Then do a more particularized search for resources to assist you in that area of life. For example, if you’re about to sign a contract (to rent an apartment, or borrow money for school, or to purchase a car) you should look into resources for that event. Just the fact that you’re looking for info means you’re off to a good start. Stay curious my friend and good luck!

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