September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When a book is compelling and the title is mentioned by a character I always feel lighhearted. I get shivers every time!

    I'm reading Brave New World and there is a scene like this:


    'Are you married to her?' he asked.
    'Am I what?'
    'Married. You know – for ever. They say "for ever" in the Indian words; it can't be broken.'
    'Ford, no! Bernard couldn't help laughing.
    John also laughed, but for another reason – laughed for pure joy.
    'O brave new world,' he repeated. 'O brave new world that has such people in it. Let's start at once.'
    'You have the most peculiar way of talking sometimes,' said Bernard, staring at the young man in perplexed astonishment. 'And, anyhow, hadn't you better wait till you actually see the new world?'


    I just want to share the euphoria I feel in such situation.

    Do you fellow readers enjoy it too?

    by Reader_in_Life


    1. Not a book, but videogame:
      The moment Harrry suggested “Disco Elysium” for the rave club in the church gave me goosebumps.

    2. itwillmakesenselater on

      Cersei Lannister’s “This is the game of thrones. You win or you die” comes immediately to mind.

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