September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    hey there, i've realised that 90% percent of what i've been reading is either part of the fantasy- or the romance genre, I'd like to widen my range a bit 🙂

    generally speaking, i appreciate good character-work and interesting prose, but who doesn't, haha.
    for reference, some of my favorite novels:
    The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie
    Blood Meridian by mcCarthy
    Dune by Frank Herbert
    Mort by Terry Pratchett
    The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson
    The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin

    Might not be the most original picks, but I hope they make for a good enough idea of what kind of novels i might like 🙂

    by NiaSchizophrenia

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