September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As the title says, I love heavy and dark themes, I like things with gore, torture (including emotional and psychological) thrilling books – but they usually always have sexual violence in them.

    I recently read kingdoms of death from the suneater series and there is an entire torture related/captivity arc and I was fully able to appreciate it and enjoy it because it was free from any sexual violence that I tend to find in most darker books, so I'm looking for something similar to that.

    I'm not picky about the genre, just something well written and enjoyable and dark. I typically like fantasy, historical fiction and thrillers/horrors but open to trying others as well.

    by crimsoncrysta

    1 Comment

    1. Here are some:

      * The Stars Now Unclaimed by Kameron Hurley. Cosmic horror body horror sci fi.

      * Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder. Feminist Lovecraftian horror. There’s a lot of sex and a lot of violence, but never sexual violence.

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