September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished The Uninvited Guests by Sadie Jones and what a wild and weird book. Overall I liked it. It started kind of slow, it wow did the ball get rolling. The book explores many themes: family dynamics, class division, misogyny, morality, etc etc. However there are a few things I can’t seem to figure out and would love clarity and perspective if someone else has read it!

    Smudges “Great Undertaking” was just getting the pony into her room, right?

    From what I understand, the “survivors” were actually dead. This was not too hard to predict.
    But when Florence and Charlotte assured the rest of the party that Charlie was gone- How? Are we supposed to assume something?

    Does anyone have clarity on the ending? Did it really just all work out? Also, how did Edward return and not take any notice of the state of the house and yard??? In my mind the whole place was a disaster.

    Was this book simply supposed to be ridiculous and display how quickly people can be influenced by each other and driven to insanity? Or am I missing something??

    by bbbb8887

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