September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello everyone!
    Sadly recently a dear friend of mine fell in depression. He's an avid reader and I want to gift him something to fight the depression, do you have any reccomendation? Any book that can soothe the depressions feeling or even start an auto-healing process?


    by lollerz46


    1. Boring_Energy_4817 on

      I won’t claim they treat depression, but my favorite books to read while depressed are Matt Haig’s “The Midnight Library” and “How to Stop Time.”

    2. unlovelyladybartleby on

      All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriott. It’s not philosophical, just funny. The poor author ends up stepped on by cows, bitten by dogs, beset by G rated peril and humiliation at every turn, and even on my darkest days, it makes me laugh out loud. Sometimes a good belly laugh in the midst of darkness is the best gift you can give someone

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