September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, all!

    I'm looking for books like the original Spiderwick Chronicles – specifically in regards to its physical format. I'm thinking:

    • medium-large font
    • small amount of content per page
    • illustrated
    • but preferably young-adult oriented
    • dark fantasy/secret society/ mystery themes

    Thanks in advance!

    For context: English is not my first language and I've been struggling to pick up books that I used to enjoy in my own language when I was younger. Despite being fluent, I am not at all against having a dictionary with me (in fact, that's a regular practice of mine). The problem is that I've been struggling to enjoy reading leisurely for years, and I think having the story's flow broken up by having to look up words so often kinda kills the vibe – particularly if it's an older book with an
    more archaic vocabulary or lots of regionalisms. I've also finally gotten medicated for some mental health challenges, and with my renewed ability to focus, I'm hoping to fall in love with reading for fun again. My friend recently gifted me the Spiderwick Chronicles and it's been the first series I've binged since my teenage years and it's been such a treat. The design and form-factor feel very conducive to low-commitment reading, the vocabulary is very beginner friendly (it is a children's book series, after all), and the design (illustrated, little content per page) made it super digestible to someone who's been struggling with mental focus. I want to keep this momentum and find my next read, but as an adult, I don't think it'll take very long before I get tired of kids books 😅 I understand that this is a very specific request, but if you know of any young-adult books/series that are dark fantasy or mystery themed, definite page-turners, and easy to read, I'd LOVE to hear your suggestions!

    by aline_yui

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